Friday, April 23, 2010


How I was a bad parent today
  • Had my child give away some of his toys to Goodwill
I do not like my house being cluttered with toys everywhere so periodically I have my child go through all of his toys and pick out ones that he no longer plays with to give to Goodwill.  I think it is a great way to teach my child how to be charitable. Though I do have to tell people who give my child a gift that at some point it will end up at Goodwill because I refuse to have a house filled with toys.  

Another way to keep the house a little less cluttered is to have my child exchange his current toys with toys that I put into storage.  He can get any toy anytime he wants, he just has to exchange it with another toy.  The system works well in keeping the amount of toys in his room down and then he only plays with the ones he really likes.

A tip on how to get to this point with your own children is to tell them they have 3 minutes to clean their room and whatever is not cleaned up in 3 minutes goes into storage.

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